
Reliable & robust components for extraterrestrial exploration

World-Class CNC Machining for Demanding Applications in Orbit and Beyond

The commercial space race has vastly increased the need for precision CNC components that perform under pressure – or, perhaps more accurately, perform in the absence of pressure.

Complex machined parts and subassemblies for space applications typically use exotic materials due to weight considerations, are inert with oxygen and fuels, and able to withstand extremely high and low temperatures.

These parts must meet rigorous standards for quality and accuracy, and engineers need a manufacturing partner who can deliver out-of-this-world results for successful projects.

Senga Engineering is a leading provider of precision CNC components for space applications. Our shop floor can be configured for small-quantity R&D parts that have a pathway to production or large-volume machining without ever sacrificing quality or accuracy.

The Senga team also generates complex components at volume over multi-year production lifecycles by storing qualified machine set-ups and palletized milling for both horizontal and 5-axis work centers.

Full Accountability & Traceability From Dock to Stock

CNC Machining Capabilities

40+ state-of-the-art CNC machine tools for minimal handling and unmatched quality.

Frequently Asked Questions

What materials do you machine? Are you capable of machining exotic alloys like inconel and titanium?

Yes, we routinely machine titanium and inconel. Other materials we are experienced with include aluminum, stainless steel, steel, brass, and machineable plastics.
Yes, we are third party registered to AS9100:D and perform First Article Inspections documented on AS9102s routinely.
We prefer billet machining, but will evaluate castings and forgings on a limited basis for our strategic partners if it is a volume program.
Yes, many of our partners order on an annual basis, and we often stock a release ahead as safety stock. Twelve-month blanket orders have been the most common due to volatility in the processing and materials market. We rarely extend beyond 12 months unless it’s for stable components that require volume deliveries.
Yes, we perform 100% in-process inspections at the source of manufacturing if required by the customer. We use shop floor CMMs where the data is recorded, the parts are serialized, and the data is compiled into a PPAP report.

Design for Manufacturability eBook

Optimizing the Design Process

Find out exactly how to create designs that are practical and optimized for the manufacturing process

Senga News

Senga’s New Chief Operation Officer

Senga’s Summer Internship Program

Discover Our New Machines

Meet Every Standard with Precision Machining Solutions